We are so glad that you are coming to the Solheim center! There are several policies that you should be aware of in order to have a smooth and enjoyable visit!
Solheim Center
The Institute offers personal growth through three programs in the Solheim Center: Physical Education Classes, Intramural Recreational Sports, and Intercollegiate Athletics.
Use of the Solheim Center facilities is permitted for full-time Seminary and undergraduate students. A valid MBI ID card and fob are required for entrance to the Solheim Center.
These are the anticipated Solheim Center semester hours, subject to change upon special notice and during spring, summer and winter breaks: Monday-Thursday 6:30a.m.-10:00p.m., Friday 6:30a.m.-8:00p.m., Saturday 9:00a.m.-4:00p.m., and closed on Sunday.
Solheim Facilities Available
Although the Solheim Center may be open, certain areas within the building may not be available due to a varsity sport practice or contest, an intramural activity, a community ministry event, or a programmed student activity. The Solheim facilities schedule is subject to change; therefore, a monthly schedule is posted on the Athletic Website (moodyarchers.org)
Aerobics and Weight Room Rules & Guidelines
Max overhead lifting, dropping and bagging weights is prohibited. Kettlebells and Dumbbells used in the aerobic room must be rubber or plastic coated and place on mats when on floor.
Jump ropes should be used in gym areas only and should not be used in weight room, aerobics room and running track.
Tennis Court Rules & Guidelines
The tennis courts are now owned by Chicago Sports and Social Club. Please contact them for rental and use.
Lockers are available for the time of activity. Individuals should provide their own lock during the time of usage and remove it after each usage. Solheim is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.
Equipment Check Out
A variety of equipment is available for checkout. A valid MBI card is required as collateral. If the items are lost, the participant will pay a replacement cost for each item. Equipment includes: basketballs, volleyballs, racquetball equipment (a $1.00 fee for racquetball racquets), balls, etc. Equipment taken off campus requires a $20.00 deposit and must be returned the following day or deposit will be forfeited.
Guest Policy
Students are allowed only one registered guest for $2.00 (immediate family members are free). The guest must check-in at the front desk and remain with the student at all times.
Solheim Center Reservations
Reservations for any classroom or sport-facility needed for an MBI academic class and/or MBI program must be made through the Building Operations Manager by calling 312-329-8089.
Small groups (PCM, Youth Group, etc.) for Outreach Ministry must have the approval from the Building Operations Manager who can be reached by calling 312-329-8089.
Racquetball reservations are available the week of play by calling 312-329-4039 or signing up at the Solheim Front Desk. Players who are ten or more minutes late from checking in for their reservation will forfeit that time. Safety goggles are required to play racquetball. Contact the Solheim Center Front Desk by calling 312-329-4039 for any additional questions regarding the Solheim Center.
Racquetball court reservations are available the week of play by calling extension 4039 or signing up at the Solheim Front Desk. Safety goggles are required to play racquetball.
Participants are to change into a separate, clean pair of athletic shoes for all activities in the Solheim center. Shoes other than athletic shoes are prohibited in activity areas and weight room. Spikes and marking black soled athletic shoes are also prohibited.
Exercise and gym attire must not be in contradiction to the standards set forth in the Student Life Guide (SLG). Jeans or cut offs are prohibited for exercise at the Solheim Center. All patrons must wear shirts at all times and shirts cannot be showing midriff or torso. Tank tops are permitted as long as they are not low cut or have thin straps. Any form of spandex (leggings, yoga pants, compression shorts, etc.) must have athletic shorts over them.
Food is not allowed in the aerobics and weight rooms, with the exception of liquids IN AN ENCLOSED CONTAINER. Food is only allowed in the front lounge area.
Proper etiquette, language, and courtesy are to be observed at all times. Bicycles, skateboards, rollerblades, and roller skates are prohibited. Personal music that can be heard by others is not allowed at Solheim. Sparring of any form is not permitted in the Solheim center.
Participants are to change into a separate, clean pair of shoes for all activities in the Solheim center.
Proper gym attire is required.
Men must wear shirts at all times. Dark soled running shoes, turf shoes, and spiked shoes are prohibited. Any other types of shoes, which mark the floor, are not permitted.
Food and beverages are allowed only in the front lounge area.
Food is not allowed in the aerobics and weight rooms
Contact the Solheim Center Control Desk by calling 312-329-4039 for any additional questions regarding Solheim.
Although the Solheim Center may be open, certain areas within the building may not be available due to a varsity sport practice or contest, an intramural activity, a community ministry event, or a programmed student activity.
Proper etiquette, language, and courtesy are to be observed at all times.
A current Moody Bible Institute or Solheim Center Identification Card must be shown upon entering to the desk worker on duty. Entry and Exit of the facility must be made through the designated main entrance.
ADULT GUEST MEMBERSHIP: One Guest (Individual fee - $2.00) is allowed and must be registered (one-day limit) by a MBI student/faculty/staff with a VALID IDENTIFICATION CARD. MBI student/faculty/staff must be present with their guest at all times.
MBI MINISTRY OUTREACH REGISTRATION: MBI Faculty, Staff and Students may bring ONE REGISTERED guest for Outreach Ministry (Individual - $2.00). MBI Faculty, Staff, and Students must stay with their registered guest at ALL TIMES.
AFFILIATE MEMBER GUEST POLICY: One guest of the MBI Affiliate Member program is allowed (Individual fee - $2.00).
Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult to gain admittance to the Solheim Center and chaperoned at all times while in the facility.
Bicycles, skateboards, roller skates and roller blades are prohibited. Animals or pets of any kind are not permitted.
Injuries are to be reported immediately to the Solheim Control Desk and the Head Staff Supervisor.
Dumbbells used in the aerobic room must be rubber or plastic covered. Dumbbells and plates are not to leave the Aerobics and Weight room.