Archers Lose Against Justice

Archers Lose Against Justice

Tonight the Archers went up against Justice College. The first set the Archers started off strong in this match but they where unable to keep up with Justice's offense. The Archers put up a great fight with many diving efforts and iron will but they were outmatched without the help of their star player Joy. We hope to have her spark back on the team. The first set ended with a score of 14-25. The gap closed with each set but wasn't enough to defeat Justice. The second set Justice took the lead and Archers tailing behind. The second set ended with the score of 15-25. The final set Archers where making a comeback towards the end of the match. Grace Vahey and Kiara Henkel put an amazing show and scored several kills, combined for 11 kills. The final set ended with a score of 17-25.

The next match will be this friday at Solheim at 7pm! We hope to see you there! Go Archers!!