Archer Spotlight: Logan Thomas

Hometown: Malcolm, NE

Year in School: Freshman

Major: Children and Family Ministry

Sport: Cross Country


Get To Know the Athlete Questions:


How old were you when you started playing your sport?

I was in seventh grade

What is your favorite Bible verse and why?

Joshua 1:9, I love this verse because It reminds me to push through the hard times and remember that God is right there by my side, no matter what!

What’s your favorite part about the sport you play?

I love the family aspect of it, as well as persevering till the end!

During Covid-19, did you pick up any new hobbies?

I’m not really sure that I picked up a new hobby, but something that I was really thankful for was being able to spend more time with my parents before I left to come here, it was definitely a blessing!