Archer Spotlight: Adam Von Holten

Hometown: Mahomet, Illinois

Year in School: Freshman

Major: Pastoral Studies

Sport: Soccer

Get to Know the Athlete:

How old were you when you started playing your sport?

Six years old

What is your favorite Bible verse and why?

My favorite verse is Philippians 4:4, because we are called to rejoice in the good times and in the bad. This verse was one I went to when I was in a high of my life, but when I was at a real low point this verse came to my mind and helped me get through my low points.

What’s your favorite part about the sport you play?

My favorite part of the sport is the family bond. I also love seeing everything come together through drills in practice. Finally, the joy I see in my teammates is something that I cannot explain.

During Covid-19, did you pick up any new hobbies?

During Covid, I picked up my training for soccer. I didn’t play in high school, so a lot of my summer was going out to the field with a friend and getting ready for the season.